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Have a couple of hours to spare this week? Please help!

Picture of Bayside PAC
Have a couple of hours to spare this week? Please help!
by Bayside PAC - Monday, 16 May 2016, 11:04 PM

Did your child work on a cultural poster?  This week, we are mounting them on colored paper and posting up around the school, ideally by Friday.  Want to come and help?  Please email us at baysidepac@gmail.com to set up a time that works!  If everyone took a few, it would be done in no time!

We also need lots of volunteers on the evening of our big Open House and Totem Unveiling on Thursday, May 26th.  Food, Desserts, Set-up, Clean-up, etc.  Please let us know through that same email if you can help!

In addition, we are hosting a Staff Appreciation lunch on Tuesday, May 31st and could use some desserts!  Plus some extra hands to relieve people so everyone can enjoy the lunch!  We'd love to hear from you with a donation of dessert and/or time for that too!

While I have your attention, we are hosting a special event for the students and staff of Bayside at lunch on Tuesday, June 7th.  Are you free between 11-2 to help even for a little bit?  Serving lunch to the whole school...definitely faster with lots of help!

If you've got some time to help in any way (no offer is too small!), please get in touch with us at baysidepac@gmail.com!

Thanks so much!

See you soon!!

Your Bayside PAC