7-2 Homework News

Apr 10

Picture of Michael MacEwan
Apr 10
by Michael MacEwan - Thursday, 10 April 2014, 3:07 PM
Today 7-2 had FAAS, French or SENCOTEN, Language arts and a presentation called "Sour Seas"  about the acidification of the world's oceans.
Today's word of the day is  "arrant"
The Science that was due Friday is now due Monday.  There will be one more work block before it has to be handed in.

Social Studies:

Many had not completed these assignments so we had a work block to get caught up.

1) Draw like an Egyptian:  Draw a picture that fills the page depicting something that you do.

2)   Try This page 95  Venn Diagram

3)    Poem on page 99   Highlight the lines in the poem that are factual.  Analyse the poem by explaining each line.


Page 138 Q 1-9 due Thursday

Language Arts:
Grammar lesson 55/56  due Friday

Other: Presentation Thursday morning: " Sour Seas "