Mme Proulx's Divisions 7-6 and 8-8: Homework and Class Updates

Update adn homework - le 23 novembre

Picture of Julie Proulx
Update adn homework - le 23 novembre
by Julie Proulx - Tuesday, 23 November 2021, 2:59 PM

Grade 8 Math: 20 minutes Multiplying and Dividing Fractions completing pages 28 and 29 and any incomplete questions from either p.125 #5-12 in text book or pages 22 and 23 in duotang
Grade 7 Math: 20 minutes Fractions comleting one page both sides,

Grade 7's and grade 8's need to email me a favourite photo for a craft gift. Thank you!
Bayside is collecting donations for Bayside's Sponsor child, Elmer. $1 - $2 would be very appreciated. Any amount helps. :)