Mme Proulx's Divisions 7-6 and 8-8: Homework and Class Updates

Update and Homework - le 22 novembre

Picture of Julie Proulx
Update and Homework - le 22 novembre
by Julie Proulx - Monday, 22 November 2021, 2:59 PM

Grade 8 Math: 20 minutes Fractions completing either p.125 #5-12 in text book or pages 22 and 23 in duotang
Grade 7 Math: 20 minutes Fractions comleting one page both sides
Please ask your child to show you their Math abilities. Grade 8's and grade 7's should show you their abilities for Positive and Negative numbers. If they haven't please ask.

Please ask for a donation for Bayside's Sponsor child, Elmer. $1 - $2 would be very appreciated. Any amount helps. :)