Grade 7 Band

Withdrawal from Band 8 (2017/18 school year)

Picture of Amber Aitchison
Withdrawal from Band 8 (2017/18 school year)
by Amber Aitchison - Thursday, 18 May 2017, 2:52 PM

Grade 8 Band Withdrawal for 2017-2018

Complete and return this form to Mrs Aitchison before May 26, 2017 to indicate your child's desire to withdraw from the Grade 8 Band Program. If this form is not received, your child will be automatically registered for Band 8 next year.

Student Name: ________________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name: ________________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________ Postal Code: _______________________

Phone: ____________________________ Parent/Guardian Email: _________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________

Reason for withdrawal (check all which apply):

o Moving to another school

o Friends not in band

o Wish for more P.E.

o Not with my other band friends

o ln a class with people I don't know

o Dislike my instrument choice

o Other: _________________________________________________________

