Grade 8 band

Band and PE schedule after spring break

Picture of Amber Aitchison
Band and PE schedule after spring break
by Amber Aitchison - Friday, 11 March 2016, 11:24 AM

Please remember that we have BAND the first day back from Spring Break. For both classes. We will have BAND more than PE for the month of April due to the level of practice and preparation needed for our Festivals, Tours, and Concerts. After our Spring Concert, we will have mostly PE until the end of the year.

March 30-April 1:

April 4-8: ELEMENTARY TOUR THIS WEEK (April 6)--Disney's Magical Marches, Jurassic Park, Muppets

April 11-15:

April 18-22: WHISTLER CON BRIO THIS WEEK (April 21-24)--Disney's Magical Marches, Ancient Castle, Fires of Bandai (and massed band pieces: Con Brio March, Where the Mountains Touch the Sky)

Aprili 25-29:

May 2-6:

May 9-13: SPRING CONCERT THIS WEEK (May 12/13 @7pm)--Jurassic Park, Ancient Castle, Fires of Bandai

May 16-20:

May 23-27:

May 30-June 3:

June 6-10: STELLY'S-BAYSIDE BBQ & CONCERT THIS WEEK (June 8 @5:30pm- Stelly's)---Disney's Magical Marches, Muppets, and Where the Mountains Touch the Sky

June 13-17:

June 20-24: