7-2 Homework News

May 1

Picture of Michael MacEwan
May 1
by Michael MacEwan - Friday, 1 May 2015, 3:13 PM
7-2  had PE  Band, or  FAAS classes this morning.  Today they also had Science and Math and spent a block working in the community garden. - Great focused work in the garden today!

Social Studies  

Read pages 142-144
p 137 Complete the comic strip style illustration of the poem
P135/ 136 Discussion of the structure of society in ancient China
Pg 134  List benefits and problems of each point of view
Write a paragraph expressing your point of view


Pages 157-158 are due Wednesday

Language Arts:

Poetry Title Page and 40 practice poems are due on Tuesday

Good copy of "Best 5" will be due on Thursday.

Each student should have a minimum of 3 of each style listed except the last 2 ( only 1 each of those)

Types of poems that should be in the poetry section are:

Clerihew, 4-line reaction model, Lanterne, 3-line location action model, Cameo, Limerick, Diamante, Triangular Triplet, Cinquain, Acrostic, Haiku, Quatrain,  couplet,  concrete, 10 similes about me,  Name poem.