Grade 8 band

Masterclass and Practicing

Picture of Amber Aitchison
Masterclass and Practicing
by Amber Aitchison - Friday, 23 January 2015, 3:04 PM

We have settled into our new routine with Mrs Aitchison. More students are remembering to attend masterclass sectionals on their assigned day during the silent reading block. As a reminder, this masterclass is required for all band students as the material covered at that time will be specific for their instrument section. The door opens at 12:50 for students to get their instrument set up, I will start promptly at 12:55 (the door will shut). Students should bring their instrument, music, and pencil.
Mondays: clarinets
Tuesdays: flutes

Wednesdays: brass- trumpets, trombones, baritones, and bass guitar

Thursdays: percussion and glockenspiel

Fridays: all saxophones (alto, tenor, and bari)

Students should be practicing at home regularly to review notes, rhythms, articulations, dynamics, and phrasing.

PRACTICE CARDS ARE DUE FEB 2-6th! New practice cards are available in the green folder on the wall under the light switches in the band room.