7-2 Homework News

March 6

Picture of Michael MacEwan
March 6
by Michael MacEwan - Thursday, 6 March 2014, 3:26 PM
Today 7-2 had FAAS, Math, SENCOTEN or French and Language Arts.
Yesterday's word was" palmer.'    Today's word of the day is  "gallivant". Tomorrow's word is "vituperate."
(there was a mistake on the homework board for the words)

Social Studies:

Ancient Egypt: Exploration in the computer lab.


Marked estimations. 

Worked on Basic Facts in the Computer lab. Please continue to practice this progam at home.

Math Reflex.  Each child has a password and all are expected to participate in this program at home. Email me if you have forgotten your password.

Language Arts:

Hatchet novel.  We will be reading the book together in class for the first few chapters.  Please do not read ahead yet.
Chapter 8  Complete a flow chart that shows the events of chapter 8 that led Brian to the idea that he should try to make a fire.