7-2 Homework News

Feb 17

Picture of Michael MacEwan
Feb 17
by Michael MacEwan - Monday, 17 February 2014, 7:33 PM


Today 7-2 had FAAS, Science, Math, and Language Arts. 
Today's word of the day is  "escutcheon" 

Social Studies:

China Stations work in the library. Tomorrow is the last day to catch up any assignments that are incomplete.  ( Tuesday - not a usual Social Studies day.)


Page 110 was due today. Only 4 students were done at the start of class.  Please check your child's progress on this page.


Math Reflex.  Each child has a password and all are expected to participate in this program at home. Email me if you have forgotten your password

Language Arts:

Grammar lesson 47 Done in class. 
Hatchet novel.  We will be reading the book together in class for the first few chapters.  Please do not read ahead yet.
Chapter 2 Due Thursday
Create a thought bubble of all the things that Brian might be thinking as the chapter ends.
Chapter one Due Tuesday:
Write a list of feelings that Brian might be feeling as we go through the chapter.
for example:
EVENT                      /    FEELING
Flying the plane         /   excited
Driving to the airport   / frustrated