Today 7-2 had FAAS, a field trip to the Ocean Sciences Institue, and FSA practise.
Today's word of the day is "damask." Yesterday's word was, "campanology."
Page 98 Q 1-4 Due Tuesday Jan 28
We have started Math Reflex. Each child has a password and all are expected to participate in this program at home. Email me if you have forgotten your password
Language Arts:
Sharks paragraph due Tuesday Jan 28. Two strong verbs per sentence. Use a thesaurus to seek and find strong interesting verbs.
Other: FSA's are coming. If you want to practice the FSA at home, you can do so by click on the link on the Bayside Website: Sample FSA. Then select School District 63, grade 7 Numeracy (or grade 7 Reading) then click the Logon button at the bottom of the page. Finally, click YES on the next page and the practice test will start.
For further information about FSA's you can check the BCTF website:
The 6th item down the page is about FSA's