Today 7-2 had FAAS, PE, Math, and Science. The word of the day is "bloviate"
Entry forms and entries for the Royal Candian Legion contest should be returned to the school ASAP. Deadline is on Friday.
The contest is for the Royal Canadian Legion and there are 4 categories to chose from. A maximum 500-word essay, a maximum 32-line poem, a colour poster, or a black and white poster. The posters should be no larger than 56 by 71cm. (Most are quite a bit smaller.)
Social Studies:
Evidence of Early humans. - begin Note Taking
We had a short Factors quiz today with some extra practise worksheets.
Page 44/45 questions 1-16 Due Thursday
Organic Gardening: Please bring in more newspaper and cardboard for another bed.
Other: Remembrance Day contest