7-2 Homework News

October 15

Picture of Michael MacEwan
October 15
by Michael MacEwan - Tuesday, 15 October 2013, 3:42 PM
Today 7-2 had PE, Language Arts, Math and French or SENCOTEN.   The word of the day is  "Harpy" 


Finding patterns and expressing them with Algebra.

Language Arts:

Alphabetical order and Homonym hunt due Thursday. Study for the Grammar Quiz on Friday.

Does the Loch ness Monster really exist?  Handed in Tuesday.  

Kenneth Oppel will be visiting the school on October 21 to address the school.  Are there any students interested in going to a special writers' workshop?  Let Mr MacEwan know. (So far, no takers!?!)

Organic Gardening:   Bring in 1 cubic foot  or more of  newspapers on Wednesday.