Mme Proulx's Divisions 7-6 and 8-8: Homework and Class Updates

le 24 septembre

Picture of Julie Proulx
le 24 septembre
by Julie Proulx - Friday, 24 September 2021, 1:25 PM

Division 8-8: Late work: Please complete all Adding and Subtracting positive and negative numbers work

Thank you to each one of you that has taken the time to complete the Parent Homework form so I can get to know your child better. 

Division 7-6: positive and negative numbers 15 to 20 minutes practice at home this evening to review concepts covered in class. This could be sections 7.1, multiplication and division review sheets, 7.2.
* 4 students still need to bring in their "ugly" mug. We are celebrating 2 students next week. We appreciate donations of hot chocolate or iced tea.