Mme Proulx's Divisions 7-6 and 8-8: Homework and Class Updates

le 13 septembre Divisions 8-8 & 7-6

Picture of Julie Proulx
le 13 septembre Divisions 8-8 & 7-6
by Julie Proulx - Monday, 13 September 2021, 6:46 PM

Division 8-8: Please bring your calculator, 2 duotangs and 2 notebooks for Math and Science to class. We did an introduction to statistics looking at the number of years they have been in class with each other. We are calculating average, median, mode and range.

Thank you to each one of you that has taken the time to complete the Parent Homework form so I can get to know your child better. 

Division 7-6: We are studying the 7 Grandfather teachings to build our classroom community.