June 15, 2020
Dear Bayside Parents and Guardians:
We are writing to let you know our plans for the final week of school at Bayside. It has certainly been an unusual year with many challenges, but we wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your support as we travelled these unchartered waters together. Unfortunately we don’t know at this time what September will bring, but please know that we will continue to communicate with you as we get closer to the fall and plans unfold for the 2020-21 school year.
We wanted to thank our staff for their flexibility and professionalism as we shifted to remote learning in late March and now back to a partial return to instruction for the month of June. We know this has been a year like no other, and we are grateful for our amazing staff and our supportive community. We are all in this together!
Below you will find some important information about the final week of school:
The last day of instruction for both remote and in-class learning will be Wednesday, June 24. This will include students of essential service workers as well. Teachers have communicated with students who have an in-class learning day on Thursday, June 25 to offer an alternate day. The final week of learning (June 22-24) will focus on review rather than new learning.
Report cards will be distributed at the end of the day (only) on students’ last day at Bayside. For most students that will be Monday, June 22 - Wednesday, June 24th, but for those students who are continuing with remote learning only, they can pick up their report card on Thursday, June 25th. There will be two opportunities on Thursday to pick up your child's report card: teachers will be in their classrooms from 9-10:30am and students can drop in to their outside door, pick up their report card and say goodbye to their teacher, or we will have report cards available in the gym from 1-2:30pm and you can come by and pick up your child's report card then. If your child has any library books or textbooks we would appreciate getting those back on the final day as well (if you haven't done so already).
Yearbooks will be available for pickup in September. Due to some delays with the publisher they are not available at the end of the year for pickup.
Borrowed Chromebooks can be returned to Bayside anytime in the next two weeks - we would like them returned by Thursday, June 25th. We will accept returned devices from any schools across the district, so feel free to return devices to Bayside that were borrowed for younger or older siblings. Please don’t forget to return the charging cable too.
Just a reminder that all schools in Saanich will be closed for instruction during the summer. You can continue to visit the district website for more information on school start-up in September. Parents will also be contacted by the email address we have on file for you in the school once more information from the province is available. Please update your email address by calling our office at 250 652 1135 by July 3rd.
Please don’t hesitate to give us a call at Bayside if you have any questions. Looking forward to seeing everyone back in September.
Bayside Middle School