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Update - Partial Return to In-School Instruction

Picture of Bayside School
Update - Partial Return to In-School Instruction
by Bayside School - Saturday, 23 May 2020, 9:47 AM
Happy Saturday May 23rd to our students and families in the Bayside Community!

It appears that we have turned a corner and are tip-toeing cautiously toward 'normal'.

Please be sure to take some time to read the message sent out this afternoon from our Superintendent Dave Eberwien. He has outlined the process for our District partial return to in-school instruction.

We will have our clerical back in our schools starting next Monday May 25th should you have any additional questions. Both our phone lines and our school website will be monitored. We look forward to our final 5 weeks of our 2019/20 year in both our continued remote learning platform and for those choosing to engage starting June 1st in a partial return to in-school instruction.

Continue to stay safe, be healthy and take care of one another,

Wendy MacDonald