May 7, 2020
Welcome to Grade 5 Students and Parents:
Vice Principal Rae Dennett and myself, along with our talented grade 6 teacher team, are all very excited to be welcoming our Grade 5 students into our Bayside community in September. As the response to the COVID-19 in BC is in flux at this time, we will be revising our transitioning activities in our current remote learning environment.
Traditionally, Bayside would have hosted our grade 5 students during the school day in early May and would have been toured by our leadership students. Sadly, this opportunity will not be afforded this year given the health and safety guidelines still in place.
In addition, Bayside will not be able to host the traditional grade 5 parent night. However, in replacement of this event, please open this link to a virtual welcome from Bayside!
We all are very aware and understand that we are living through unprecedented times in our world, and that what we do now will greatly influence our future. We will continue to be guided by our District, who are following the provincial Health and Education protocols and direction.
Thank you for your understanding and patience at this time as we will continue to be creative in determining ways to ensure that our transition process into the middle years is a smooth as possible given our current educational status.
We are very hopeful that as time progresses, that we will have additional information on how we can ensure supported transition for our September startup. We will keep you updated as available.
Once again, my sincere thank you for your patience and flexibility now and for the upcoming months.
Wendy MacDonald