Dear Parents/Guardians,
The Bayside community would like to offer an opportunity to our Bayside students to engage in an optional ‘random act of kindness’ for the month of April.
We are proposing that if students would like to write a letter or draw a picture for a senior in our community that is isolated… we would like to outline the following process to do so:
Bayside will be collecting these letters or drawings from students at Bayside OUTSIDE in a BOX (we will label appropriately) that our custodians will place outside the north pod door each day at 7am in the morning and bring inside each day at 3pm.
Administration will deliver these letters to the various care homes and some can be delivered to those seniors isolated in their homes who are having meals delivered.
Rest assured, we have connected with the various care facilities and they have a process to sanitize the student’s letters/drawings.
The Care Facilities are super excited about our Bayside initiative.
Much Appreciated – Bayside Administration