Daily Announcements

Wednesday Announcements

Picture of Bayside School
Wednesday Announcements
by Bayside School - Wednesday, 22 May 2019, 9:17 AM

Morning Announcements

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Info for Students…

  • Wacky Hat & Hair Day: Hey Bayside! Friday, May 24th Is Wacky Hat And Hair Day! Show Your School Spirit And Make Your Hair Or Hat Wacky. Student Council Will Roam The Halls And Secretly Hand Out Prizes To Those Students Showing Cool School Spirit. Come To The Gym At Recess For The Wacky Hair And Hat Parade And Win Fun Prizes!!!

  • Ice Cream Wednesday: Good morning Bayside!  Ice cream sales are TODAY at lunch out of the window of W108.  Treats are $1.00 or $2.00 each. Bring your loonies & toonies to buy some DEE-licious treats!  Youth in Action students, please remember to come to W108 right after the lunch bell to help with the ice cream sales, and bring your climate emergency statements, even if they’re not complete yet. Thank you!

  • Learning Commons Riddle: This week’s Learning Commons riddle winner has been chosen: Congratulations to: Kyla B., in 6-3, for guessing correctly that the answer was: paper! Kyla, you win free pizza tomorrow. Come to the LC to claim your prize. Look for our next riddle up today.

  • Gauss Contest: Last Wednesday 35 Bayside students took the challenge of writing the Gauss math contest.  The Gauss contest is a very challenging contest written by students all over the country.  Congratulations to everyone and especially our Grade 8 champion Megan Lewis and our Grade 6/7 champion Bill Chen.  Everyone will be receiving a certificate next week.

  • Dodgeball: Class vs. Class dodgeball starts today at lunch for all the grade six classes. First game begins at 12:25. Eat first, then come on down to the gym. Full class vs. full class.

  • Track and Field: Attention all Track and Field athletes who are competing at UVIC today, please meet in E114 at Lunch.

  • Field Hockey: Players please remember to return your sticks to Mrs. Pires or Ms. Alford. Also shirt money is overdue if you haven’t already handed it in.

  • Girls Rugby: Practice after school today.

  • Band Students: Could all band students please return ties and band shirts.

  • Lunch Club Announcements: Girl’s Club in S116.

  • Instrumental masterclass sectionals: During Reading Block TODAY are for the Grade 8 Brass & Percussion. Students need to bring their instrument, band book/music and a pen.

Important Dates to Remember...

May 23 – Gr. 5 Parent Night @ 7:00 pm

May 24 – Wacky Hair & Hat Day

May 25-31 – Quebec Trip

May 27-31 – Bike to School Week

May 28 – PAC Staff Appreciation

May 28 – PAC AGM Meeting

May 29 – Gr. 6 Science World

Jun 04 – Gr. 8 Indigenous Student Farewell @ 5-7

Jun 07 – Library Books Due

Jun 10-14 – Gr. 8 Exams

Jun 18 – PAC Meeting

Jun 21 – PAC Hot Dog Lunch