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Ministry of Education Satisfaction Survey-Gr. 7 Students

Picture of Bayside School
Ministry of Education Satisfaction Survey-Gr. 7 Students
by Bayside School - Tuesday, 16 April 2019, 11:57 AM

Help us plan for the future – tell us about your education experience. Students in Grades 4, 7, 10 and 12, their parents and all staff in B.C. public schools are invited to participate in an annual online satisfaction survey about their school experience.

The survey covers a range of topics, providing a comprehensive picture of the educational experience in B.C. public schools. Questions were developed with input from partner groups, teachers and experts in educational measurement and special education.

All Grade 7 Bayside students will be participating in this survey next week.

Here's the website for survey access:

Parents receive direct access — no logon number required. "The survey is available online from January to the end of April. All responses are anonymous and confidential. Please contact your school if you have difficulty using the online survey."