Daily Announcements

Wednesday Announcements

Picture of Bayside School
Wednesday Announcements
by Bayside School - Wednesday, 23 January 2019, 9:22 AM

Morning Announcements

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Info for Students…

  • This week’s Learning Commons riddle winner has been chosen: Congratulations to: Simon M. in
    6-5, for guessing correctly that the answer was traffic lights. Simon, you win free pizza tomorrow! Come to the LC to claim your pizza prize. Look for our next riddle later today. Free pizza winners are announced Wednesday mornings.

  • Twin Day will be on Wednesday, Jan. 30th. Multiples are welcome. The Parade of Twins will be in the Gym at Recess. The prizes are $5 for each third, $10 for each second, and $15 for each first. All in Mayfair gift certificates. Happy Twin Day!

  • Pink Shirt Day is coming up on Thursday, February 28th. Student Council will be sponsoring a design contest for Pink Shirt Day. Create a design with a anti-bullying saying for our new Bayside pink shirt. The winner will receive a free pink shirt with his/her design and a $20 Mayfair gift certificate. Creations need to be done on a plain, white letter size piece of paper. They need to be handed into the office NO LATER THAN THURSDAY, JAN. 31st. Please remember to write you name and division on the back. Thank you.

  • The yearbook cover has been chosen! Congratulations to Ellaina Coley of Division 8-4 on creating the winning design. This year’s book is going to be amazing - check the list in the office window to make sure you have ordered one. Don’t miss out!

  • Well done to both the grade 6 girls and grade 7 girls for strong starts to their volleyball season yesterday.  Good luck to the competitive grade 8 girls as they begin their season today at Monterey School.

  • Good Day, I just wanted to congratulate Ellaina for refereeing all of the Grade 6/7 Girls Competitive Volleyball matches yesterday at Bayside. She was great. Awesome ambassador for Bayside. I hope she can be recognized for her accomplishments.

  • Youth in Action students who are helping deliver 1000x5 boxes. Please meet Mrs. White in W108 at 12:50.

  • Girls Club in S116 today.

  • Instrumental masterclass sectionals during Reading Block TODAY are for Grade 8 Woodwinds. Students need to bring their instrument, band book/music and a pencil.

  • Pizza Lunch is tomorrow during lunchtime. Pepperoni, Cheese, Hawaiian and Gluten-free available. $3 per slice or 2 for $5. Don’t miss out!

Important Dates to Remember...

Jan 28 – Non Instructional Day

Jan 30 – Twin Day

Jan 31 – Pink Shirt Design Contest Due

Feb 07 – Interim Report #2

Feb 07 – PAC Lunch

Feb 15 – Non Instructional Day

Feb 18 – Family Day STAT

Feb 19 – PAC Meeting @ 6:30 pm

Feb 26 – Find your Fit

Feb 28 – Pink Shirt Day