Buy Maple Syrup/sirop d’érable! Delicious, beautifully pure, 100%-additive-free syrup.
This year, Canadian Parents for French - Saanich Chapter are providing you with the opportunity to buy authentic, top quality Maple Syrup directly from Québec. We offer 540 ml cans and bulk buy (x8 cans) and maple lollipops at very competitive prices, with all profits going to our group.
We use all the funds raised to support French learning at our Saanich Schools.
Example of how some of our funds have supported French learning:
French Improv Workshop
French Debate Workshop
French magazine subscription
French Posters
French books
Monetary gift to the French department
K-12 Gift Celebration
With more funds we can offer more exciting, additional services : Books, Film subscriptions, Guest visitors etc.
Please support us by printing off the ATTACHED order form, complete and return with your payment to the school office for CPF no later than March 1st. Orders will be delivered for your collection week commencing April 1st.
If you have any questions, please contact our CPF Rep Rachelle Hill: rachill16@gmail.com