Grade 8 band

Concerts and Uniform

Picture of Amber Aitchison
Concerts and Uniform
by Amber Aitchison - Monday, 2 October 2017, 12:37 PM


Performance Opportunities

All band students participate in at least two formal concerts during the school year. Our Winter Concert in December and our Spring Concert in May.

Our Winter Concert is on:

Wednesday December 13th at 7pm (Parents)

Thursday December 14th Block 1 (School)

Our Spring Concert is on:

Wednesday May 16th at 7pm (Parents)

Thursday May 17th Block 1 (School)

Our Remembrance Day Assembly (Grade 8)

Nov 10 (during the school day)

*Please note we have moved our winter and spring concerts to Wednesday nights this year. In past years we held the Band Concert on Thursday nights.*


As with all teams, it is important to present a unified appearance for all performances. The uniform for Grade 6, 7, and 8 Band students is black pants, black socks, black shoes. Grade 6 students will be given a Band t-shirt to borrow. Grade 7&8 students will need to wear an all black collared dress shirt (their own), and will be given a Band tie to borrow.

I ask that students do not wear shorts or skirts to performances.