Daily Announcements

Friday's Announcements

Picture of Julie Taggart
Friday's Announcements
by Julie Taggart - Friday, 7 April 2017, 9:11 AM

Morning Announcements

Friday, April 7, 2017

Info for Students…

  • Next week's announcers will be Lauren M & Yael S

  • Day old, cold pizza will be sold today during lunch in the MPR. $2/slice.

  • Hot Lunch – PAC is serving their last fun hot lunch for the year on Thurs. Apr. 13th. You will enjoy scrumptious chicken fingers with fries, caesar salad and your choice of dip. Brownies are the dessert, along with fruit and a drink...all for $10!! TODAY is the last day to order. Please get your forms back in to the office by then.

  • Track and Field - All Students interested in track and field there will be a meeting Monday at lunch in E114.

  • From the Learning Commons – We are pleased to announce that our new Library Tech, Ms. Gaudet, is starting today. Students and staff, please drop by the LC today and give her a Bayside welcome!

    To history fair students: If you have not yet handed in your signed permission form, please bring it on Monday.

  • On Tuesday, the Learning Commons will be filled with 25 French Immersion students who will present their well-rehearsed speeches to a panel of 3 judges. 6 Students will then be chosed to travel to SFU Surrey to continue in the province-wide competition. All French Immersion students participated, but these 25 were chosen by their peers and teachers to move onto the next stage. Bonne chance to all these students on Tuesday!

  • Lunch Clubs –Cartooning/ Manga Club in E105.

  • Band Announcements – Instrumental masterclass sectionals during Reading Block TODAY are for the Gr. 6 Woodwinds. Students need to bring their instrument, band book/music and a pencil.

Info for Parents...

  • Apr 12 Class Photos

  • Apr 13 PAC Hot Lunch

  • Apr 14 Good Friday – No School

  • Apr 17 Easter Monday – No School

  • Apr 18 PAC Meeting @ 6:30 pm

  • Apr 28 Non-Instructional Day – No School

  • May 8 Non-Instructional Day – No School

  • May 11 Band Concert @ 7:00 pm