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7-2 FSL - French Tourist Attraction - April 6

Picture of Jason Papich
7-2 FSL - French Tourist Attraction - April 6
by Jason Papich - Thursday, 16 March 2017, 12:40 PM

FSL 7-2

You will be presenting your French Tourist Attraction presentation on April 6.

You will create a slide show of a French tourist attraction to present to your classmates.


1)  A title page  

2)  A map showing the location of the attraction.  If it is in Paris, state the neighbourhood where it is located and its proximity to other sites.  If  location is outside of Paris show its location.

3)  State the days and hours when the attraction is open and the price of entry.

4)  Answer the questions:  What is there to see and do?  Why is the attraction famous?  What are the highlights?  Did anything famous happen here? Would you visit the attraction?

5)  Include an explanation and photos highlighting its beauty.

6)  Show images from the neighbourhood surrounding the attraction.