FSL 8-3 and 8-4
There will be a lesson quiz Friday Sept 30 for 8-4 and Monday October 3 for 8-3
Quiz – Unité 6 – Leçon 17
1. Listening – Circle the correct answer.
2. Clothing Vocabulary - un chapeau -
3. Numbers – 100 to 1000
cent – 100, cent un – 101, cent deux – 102, deux cents – 200, trois cents – 300, quatre cents – 400, mille -1000
4. Describe four items that you are wearing now and give the colour of each. Be sure to use un, une, and des, as appropriate. Use un, une or des.
Je porte un chapeau noir, une chemise violette, des chausettes jaunes et des chaussures roses.