Grade 7 Band

Festivals, trips, concerts

Picture of Amber Aitchison
Festivals, trips, concerts
by Amber Aitchison - Thursday, 11 February 2016, 12:54 PM
Please mark your calendar with the following dates:

Upcoming Concerts and Events:

All students should be wearing their band uniform:
Grade 6: black pants/skirt with black tights, black shoes, and band shirt (shirts are supplied by the band department)
Grade 7&8: black pants/skirt with tights, black shoes, and black/white collared shirt, and a band tie (ties are supplied by the band department).

WINTER CONCERT (Everyone): Thursday Dec 10 (7pm), Friday Dec 11 (block 1 for school).
GRADE 6: Greater Victoria Performing Arts Festival @ Central Baptist Church: (specific date TBA- April 11-130, will be during the a few hours during the school day.
GRADE 7: Vancouver Island Concert Band Festival @ Port Alberni: (specific date TBA- May 3-5), will be a full day trip.
GRADE 8: Elementary School Tour @ Deep Cove, Keating, Brentwood: Weds April 6, will be a full school day tour.
GRADE 8: Whistler Con Brio Music Festival Thurs April 21-Sun April 24
SPRING CONCERT (Everyone): Thurs May 5 (7pm), Friday May 6 (block 1 for school)