Grade 7 Band

Great concert!

Picture of Amber Aitchison
Great concert!
by Amber Aitchison - Friday, 8 May 2015, 3:37 PM

The Bayside Bands had yet another wonderful display of musical talent last night and this morning during our annual Spring Concert! Those hours of hard work and practice at home, at school, with the class, and in masterclass sectionals really paid off! A huge thank you to every student! You looked and sounded great! I am so proud of you all!

Masterclass sectionals have now stopped for the remainder of the year. Students will need to use the silent reading time to get caught up with core coursework and silent reading. We shall resume masterclass sectionals in the new school year.

Band classes will continue until the end of the year alternating weeks with PE. Grade 7's will continue to work through the Accent on Achievement book (the one we used last year), do some sightreading of new pieces for next year, work on clapping and counting new rhythms, and perhaps take our hand at composing. Students should continue to attend class with all of their necessary materials: Instrument, Band book, pencil, cleaning kit (including reeds, valve oil, sticks, etc).